Beyond the Dike
Beyond the Dike is a serious game.
- Duration: 1 hour
- Number of participants per game: 5 players and 1 facilitator.
- Group capacity: Up to 40 players at once.
- Ideal for experts in the field of water management.
How do we continue to protect the Netherlands from rising sea levels? Should we build and raise dikes, or should we also look beyond the dike for solutions, in multi-layered safety? The Dutch Court of Audit designed "Beyond the Dike" to explore these questions.
Players work together to find answers. Each person has a role that influences the game. Rijkswaterstaat, municipalities, provinces, water boards, and safety regions collaborate to manage water effectively.
"Beyond the Dike" is played with a facilitator and encourages discussion. After the game, participants gain a better understanding of multi-layered safety, Dutch water safety policy, and the key parties and challenges in this field in the Netherlands.