When the Water Comes (ages 10 to 12)
What happened during the Watersnoodramp? What help did people in the flooded areas receive? How did they rebuild the land? And do we still need to fight against the water today?
Discover the answers along this route filled with various tasks!
Get Started
Want to follow this route through the museum? Ask at the reception desk at the entrance.
During this route, you will come across various symbols, each with tasks that you can complete at home or at school. The tasks and the worksheet that goes with them can be found on this page.
Task 1: The Story of Wim Schot
In the museum, you saw a boat. You now know that many people were rescued with such boats after the night of the disaster. Wim Schot also rescued many people from rooftops this way. How he did this is explained in this video.
What was the main conclusion of the man rescued with the 'wrong' suitcase? Watch the video and write the answer on your worksheet.
Task 2: The Story of Daan von Eugen
During the route, you discovered what zinc pieces look like and how they are made. Daan von Eugen helped with making these zinc pieces during his studies. How this went is explained in this video.
How did Daan feel about this work? And why? Watch the video and write the answers on your worksheet.
Task 3: Commemoration
Commemorating a disaster can be done in many different ways. In the museum, you encountered various monuments.
Where and in what way is the Watersnoodramp of 1953 commemorated in your area? This could be a monument, an annual commemoration, or a piece of art. Write the answers on your worksheet.

Task 4: The Story of Annie Ponsioen
Were you also impressed that so many countries donated aid supplies to the disaster area? All those items had to be sorted. Annie was nineteen and studying in The Hague. The Red Cross asked her class to sort clothing for the flooded areas. Annie describes what that was like.
Imagine you lost everything during the disaster. What five aid items do you think you would need the most? Write your answer on your worksheet.
Task 5: Reading Tip
Do you know the book De zee kwam door de brievenbus? Read through Liesje's eyes about what the Watersnoodramp was like.

Task 6: Build a Gift House
In the gift house, you learned about Janny. You could also see what her house looked like inside. Download the template and assemble Janny’s house!
Tip: Print the template on sturdy paper.
Task 7: Am I at Risk of Flooding?
Do you remember selecting some items in the attic? Imagine a flood occurs; how high will the water come in your house?

Task 8: The Water Envoy
In caisson 4, you saw who ensures that your feet stay dry. One of those people is the water envoy. Curious about what a water envoy does? Watch the video by Henk Ovink.
Water awareness means understanding that we need to take good care of our water. We need water, but it can also cause flooding. What would you do if you were a water envoy? How would you promote water awareness? Write your answers on your worksheet.
Have you completed all the tasks on the museum route? Download the answer sheet below.